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The Foreword
Written by IronMen of God Founder



Right across the street from my childhood home in North Miami Beach, FL, was the neighborhood fire department. For 18 years, I witnessed countless times these brave first responders courageously launched into action. As a young man, I was keenly aware the job of a first responder carried significant risk, including potential loss of life. However, never once did I stop to think about the toll this type of work would have on their mental, spiritual, marital, and family health.


Many years later, I had the privilege of meeting Chief David A. Ogden. It was through this relationship that my eyes and heart were opened to the unique challenges and personal toll that first responders experience as they lay their lives down for friends, neighbors, and even adversaries.


In his book, "Seeds of Leadership," Chief Ogden does a wonderful job of weaving his own personal story into the story of God, providing Biblical leadership acorns that can turn into powerful oak trees of character in a person's life. His experiences and insights shed light on the importance of sowing the foundations of excellence in anyone who aspires to be an exceptional leader.


While reading this book, I am reminded of John 15:13 (ESV), which says, "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." Chief Ogden's unwavering devotion to Jesus and his commitment to serving his fellow first responders showcase his dedication to cultivating excellent leadership in others.


I’m confident that "Seeds of Leadership" will not only inspire and empower first responders but also serve as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their walk as a disciple of Jesus. Chief Ogden's personal journey and the wisdom he imparts in this book are a testament to the resilience, strength, and unwavering commitment he has to Christ and also to his fellow first responders.


In conclusion, I invite you to dig deeply into the pages of "Seeds of Leadership" and allow the experiences of Chief David A. Ogden's life, along with the Word of God, to transform and renew your mind. May this book serve as a true north, guiding you to lead with courage, compassion, and unwavering dedication. Let it be a catalyst for personal growth and a source of inspiration as you aspire to become a transformative leader.


David Hill, Disciple Maker, Founder of Ironmen of God  



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